Bohemian marriage proposal

Bohemian marriage proposal On the 28th of February 2022, Hilton and Kelly got engaged! They reside in the UK and came to Cape Town for a romantic holiday. We just love chatting to tourists who are coming to Cape Town to pop the question, because we get to show off our beautiful country! This client […]

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Rowen and Lameshree proposal at Groot Constantia

On the 7th June 2019, Rowen and Lameshree got engaged! This wonderful couple is from Durban and came to Cape Town for a short break. While in Cape Town, Rowen wanted to pop the question. He contracted us for ideas but in the end, he knew all along what he wanted to do! They had […]

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Kane and Nikki private dinner proposal

On the 22nd of March 2019, Kame proposed to his girlfriend Nikki, and she said yes! Kane and Nikki live in Johannesburg and decided to come down to Cape Town on holiday for a long weekend. They have been dating for two years and met through mutual friends. They both love travelling, being in the […]

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Joey and Alice Marriage Proposal at Delaire Graff

On the 29th June 2017, Joey asked the girl of his dreams to be his wife. Alice said YES! All the way from Sydney, Australia Joey asked us to assist him with his big day. He needed accommodation for that night and for the proposal to be memorable and emotional. They love eating out at […]

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Pieter and Imonay romantic bridge proposal

On the 23rd March 2016 Pieter and Imonay got engaged! Pieter and Imonay romantic bridge proposal was one to remember for a very long time. Pieter wanted to pop the question at Spier wine farm in Stellenbosch. They had previous been to Cape Town on holiday and loved their visit to Spier. He wanted to […]

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