Sunrise beach proposal

Sunrise beach proposal Adrian knew he wanted a special sunrise beach proposal set up when he and his girlfriend, Alishka, would be on holiday in Durban. He knows her well, all her likes and dislikes so this made the planning process of the proposal a breeze. We love a good romance story and theirs is […]

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Keshika and Pranesh proposal

On the 27th of November 2021, Pranesh and Keshika got engaged. Pranesh wanted something romantic and intimate with STUNNING views. He liked the idea of using the sunset rock in Bantry Bay which is a superb choice of venues. This hidden gem is at the top of Ocean View Drive, you wind your way up […]

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Jacques and Tamerin sunrise proposal

Jacques and Tamerin sunrise proposal On the 28th February 2021, Jacques popped the question and Tamerin said YES! This lovely couple lives and works in Joburg. They have been together since high school, so that makes it 12 years of dating. WOW, can we say true love! They came down to Cape Town for a […]

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