Sunrise beach proposal

Sunrise beach proposal

Adrian knew he wanted a special sunrise beach proposal set up when he and his girlfriend, Alishka, would be on holiday in Durban. He knows her well, all her likes and dislikes so this made the planning process of the proposal a breeze.

We love a good romance story and theirs is truly one that warms the heart! They met in their first year of high school and have been friends since. The beautiful pictures that Adrian sent us to use as a “memory lane” in the setup are a testament to their journey. They have now been dating for 5 years and he felt that the time was right to ask her to be his wife and start the exciting process of wedding planning in earnest. He got down on one knee and presented Alishka with a little red ring box that held the most gorgeous engagement ring. Without any hesitation, she said YES!

Adrian and Alishka were certainly blessed with a perfect sunrise which made their photoshoot idyllic. Sunrise Beach proposals are always a good idea. It means you have the beach all to yourself, with no disturbances from other beachgoers. Sunrise is one of our favorite times of the day, peaceful, clam, and magical.

This lovely couple then relaxed and enjoyed the setting, taking in the view while absorbing this incredible moment together.

We wish you all the best for a wonderful future together Adrian and Alishka, congratulations on your engagement.

Sunrise beach proposal

marry me

she said yes

Sunrise beach proposal

field bar

Photographer: Eugene from Promarc

For another beach proposal, click here.