Kuven and Keressa forest proposal

On the 25th November 2017, Kuven & Keressa got engaged!

Kuven lives in Cape Town and his girlfriend, Keressa lives in Johannesburg. Keressa decided to surprise Kuven by coming down to Cape Town for the weekend however he found out she was coming so he decided to spring a surprise on her as well. She flew down on Friday and he pretended that he was surprised to see her!

He told Keressa that he had a work function to attend on Saturday so the couple made their way to Silvermist Mountain Lodge in Constantia. Our talented photographer, Kathryn hid in the bush and made sure she was ready and waiting so that she could capture the special moment. As the couple made their way towards the proposal, excitement started to grow for us. They walked in a forest down a pathway that was covered in pink and white rose petals. Beautiful bunting was hung on the railing to lead the way and finally, the couple emerged from the bushes and saw a lookout deck among the forest that had the most incredible views. Kuven got down on one knee and he asked his best friend to spend the rest of her life with him. SHE SAID YES!

The couple popped a bottle of champagne, enjoyed some chocolates and took in this beautiful and special moment. They then went on a couple’s photo-shoot and afterwards they enjoyed the rest of their champagne.

The newly engaged couple enjoyed a memorable dinner at sunset with their close friends and family at The Eatery which is located on the Silvermist Estate.

Keressa’s beautiful engagement ring is beautiful. Good job Kuven!

We wish Kuven and Keressa all the best with their upcoming wedding and with their future. Kuven and Keressa forest proposal, a very happy occasion indeed 🙂

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Kuven and Keressa forest proposal

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Kuven and Keressa forest proposal

Photographer: Kathryn Lawrence