Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

On the 9th December 2016, Dilhan proposed to Yashina and she said YES!

They both love wine. It was very clear from the start that a wine farm was going to be the chosen location for the proposal. Dilhan informed us she has never been to a wine farm so this was meant to be. They wanted it to be romantic, intimate and at sunset. We always ask our clients want they want to include in their proposal’s and Dilhan’s reply was lots and lots of love. So sweet <3

The plan was as follows, Dilhan was going to fly from Swaziland (where he lives) to Cape Town to surprise her. Yashina was flying down from Joburg with her best friend. Yashina’s friend was involved the whole time and told her she had booked a wine tour for the day they land. We arranged the private shuttle to collect them from the airport and take them on a wine tour (as planned). They enjoyed a chocolate & wine tasting at Waterford Estate to start. The next stop was Brenaissance, here Yashina found a note in the room from Dilhan. The note / journal said he loved her and she must get dressed as he was waiting for her. This obviously brought so many questions and lots of emotion. The shuttle then brought Yashina and her friend to Remhoogte wine Estate where we had set up a picnic under the gazebo. On arrival, there was so much emotion when she saw Dilhan standing there… waiting for her. They embraced and he got on one knee… he asked his long time sweetheart of 8 years to marry him, she said YES!

Yashina loves white flowers and natural colours, we keep the deco neutral and feminine. Remhoogte has game animals which graze in the fields which are lovely to watch. The surrounding mountains and dam give you a feeling you are in nature and peace.

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate was so emotional, it was a moment that will be remembered forever. There was so much love that was shared that day, we loved assisting this happy couple. Wishing them all the best.

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Dilhan and Yashina proposal at Remhoogte Wine Estate

Photographer: Kathryn van Eck