Best marriage proposal songs

Best marriage proposal songs

The BEST marriage proposal songs we think are the ones that you and your partner share together. It can be your favorite song or the song you first danced to or even one that brings back happy memories. These are the songs that should be used at your engagement.

We always ask our clients which song means the most to them or what song they both love?! Its a tricky question as some relationships are build around music and other are not. Its all about creating new memories that will be spoken about for years, so do not worry if you have not found “your song” yet. There is plenty of time to find “the one”.

Some people love listening to the sound of nature and their surroundings, whereas others want to include music in their marriage proposal. If you do want to include music we highly recommend hiring a professional musician or singer. It creates another surprise element and can bring atmosphere to any venue. This alone is a great marriage proposal idea. Imagine a big room with nothing in but a band to sing “your song” to the girl you want to marry.

Songs are meant to create a mood of romance OR something fun. Its your special song that you share together and good memories are brought back to life. Its amazing how emotions can be brought up through music. It can transport to another place – just like smells and taste.  Always remember your 5 senses can create that perfect mood.

Are you battling to find a song that you want to use in your marriage proposal? Well these are some of our BEST marriage proposal songs that we can think of. They seem to be the most popular and sentimental songs at the moment.

Best marriage proposal songs

The above video’s are just a few of OUR best marriage proposal songs. Just for some inspiration! If you need more check out: You Tube’s Top 20 Best romantic songs