Recording studio marriage proposal

Recording studio marriage proposal

On the 25th of June 2021, Ashwin asked the love of his life to marry him. She said YES!!!!

Aswin got in touch with us, he was traveling to South Africa and wanted to plan the perfect proposal. They both live and work in Dallas Texas USA so it is a long way from home. They have been together for 6 years and the timing was right to pop the question. We always ask our clients to fill in a Q&A form, which tells us more about what they love, enjoy doing as a couple, and their relationship. After reading Ashwin’s form, we clearly picked up that they both LOVE music and are musical. Aswin can play drums and Bhavna can sing 🙂 This was SO exciting for us, so we based all our proposal ideas around MUSIC. It is such a fun theme to use for a proposal.

“She is the most passionate person I know: She loves Bollywood movies (would love to incorporate this), loves to dance and sing (graceful in both), cooking, interior design, vegan lifestyle, making social media posts.”

The Brief: “Something where we can both see beautiful scenery and play musical instruments. I would love to do Shallow by Lady Gaga by singing first and then going to the drums while she sings the rest of the song. I want to make it a surprise what the event will be so she can’t know when the proposal is happening. We will both be in elegant clothes so just want the moment to be special with performance and surprises along the way.” 

Ashwin received our ideas and after going through them, he choose the recording studio idea. This was the first time we have used this idea and we really loved planning it for them. The venue was booked, a wonderful studio in Constantia called Digital Forest Studio. The owner and producer, Andrew was a superstar to assist with the logistics. We hired in a band who would be the “backup singers and musicians on the day”. The whole idea was to tell Bhavna they were going to listen to a band, a photographer would be there to take photos. She would then get a chance to record and play their own music.

On arrival at the studio, the band sang and played their favorite songs, he popped the question and the rest was history. HOWEVER, there was a glitch in the proposal (which does not happen often but on this occasion it was out of our hands). Due to the Cape Town winter storms, the electricity went down and the rain came in. This then cut the power and they couldn’t record on the day, but do not fear all the suppliers gathered together and they came back a few days later to “finish” the job. Hence the outfit changes in the photos, just in case you were wondering.

Recording studio marriage proposal was such a fun idea, we really loved planning this one. We wish Ashwin and Bhavna a very happy future together.

recording studio

Recording studio marriage proposal


recording studio marriage proposal

petals group



Recording studio marriage proposal

Recording studio marriage proposal

Recording studio marriage proposal

Recording studio marriage proposal

Recording studio marriage proposal

Amor Amor

engagement ring

Digital Forest Studio


engaged Cape Town

Recording studio marriage proposal

Photographer: Lesley from Photofuzion

Band: Amor Amor

Flowers: Petals Group

For another fun marriage proposal, click here.